Thursday, August 26, 2010

The K Family | Arlington Family Photographer

I really feel that being a portrait photographer helps families tell stories about themselves in pictures that you can't do in words. It's a rare opportunity for most people to get to meet a family and see how much they care and love each other, and I get to do it a few times every month. I love this about being a photographer more than anything.

I get a lump in my throat every time I scroll through this family's images. Partly because of the circumstances surrounding this session and the tremendous honor I felt in being asked to take these pictures. And also because it hit so close to home for me having lost my dad over 10 years ago. I will only share one image from this session out of deep respect for this family. But I would be remiss if I didn't share with you the portrait of a family so supportive of their wife and mother, who are now devoting themselves to the memory of her bravery.

See, Sue fought a long battle with lung cancer, something that as a non-smoker came entirely out of nowhere for her and her family. After a few schedule changes to accommodate her treatments we were finally able to take this family portrait the night before we left town to shoot a wedding. A week and a half later Sue lost her battle to cancer. I was honored to take their pictures, honored to have met Sue, and honored to have given a family a gift that is priceless.



Kari August 26, 2010 at 7:21 PM  

I got the lump too. Glad you were able to get these done for them when you did.

Unknown August 26, 2010 at 7:52 PM  

Ugh. Missy. You're a double threat. Good photographer and a good writer.